Byleth×Hanneman Support Conversations
C Support
ハンネマン: ふっふっふ……。先生、少しいいかね?
Hanneman: Ah, Professor! Always a pleasure to see you. I wonder, might you have a moment to chat?
Choice 1: 構わないが…… Why?
Choice 2: その笑顔が怖い What do you want?
ハンネマン: そう身構えないでくれたまえ。
Hanneman: Come now. You have no need to be on guard. I'd never cause you harm. You're far too valuable a specim— Well, that is to say, too valuable a member of the academy staff. Indeed, the further my Crest research progresses, the closer you come to learning the truth of your heritage. Is it not so? When I learned you bore the lost Crest—the very Crest of Flames itself!—I set about learning everything I could about your past. What was the origin of your bloodline? How have the events of your life been shaped by your lineage? I became somewhat obsessed, I must admit.
Choice 1: 自分の過去…… You investigated me?
ハンネマン: ああ、そうだとも。君のかつての傭兵仲間にも当たったよ。
Hanneman: Nothing so crass as an investigation, no. I researched. I spoke to mercenaries whom you've worked with in the past to learn about your life before the academy.
Choice 2: やめてほしい My past is my business.
ハンネマン: 害にはならぬと言ったはずだ。君の傭兵時代の仲間にも当たったよ。
Hanneman: I promised you no harm, remember? I merely reached out to mercenaries whom you've worked with to understand your life before the academy.
《EP.10 終了後》
ハンネマン: もちろんジェラルト君にも、ジェラルト君のかつての仲間たちにもだ。
Hanneman: Of course, I also contacted Jeralt and his mercenary friends. Your father does keep rather interesting company.
《EP.10 終了後》
ハンネマン: もちろん……、君のお父上のかつての仲間たちにも、だ。
ハンネマン: ……さて、それでは調査結果を報告する。間違いがあれば指摘してくれたまえ。
Hanneman: I'm excited to share with you what I learned, but I do ask that you correct me if I am mistaken on any account. The story begins with Jeralt serving as captain of the Knights of Seiros... There was a woman at the monastery with whom Jeralt was quite close. At first, it seemed obvious this mystery woman was your mother. Alas, that cannot be the case. The timing is all wrong. As it was told to me, the woman in question passed away shortly before Jeralt left the monastery... Yet your birth occurred sometime later, while Jeralt taking work as a mercenary. This, of course, presumes your age is accurately reported. If you were born sooner, well, the story would be quite different, would it not?
Choice 1: わからない I don't know.
ハンネマン: まあそうだろうな。君は傭兵のころから年齢不詳だった。
Hanneman: It is intriguing though, yes? Why is your age so difficult to pin down?
Choice 2: 父には隠し事があった My father was always one for secrets.
ハンネマン: そうかもしれないな。君たちは謎の多い傭兵だったようだ。
Hanneman: Oh, I am aware. You two were certainly enigmatic as far as mercenaries go.
ハンネマン: ジェラルト君は元騎士団長という出自を誰にも明かしていなかったし……
Hanneman: For example, Jeralt never once spoke of his time serving as captain of the knights. That's quite a secret to keep for all those years.
In the end, your old acquaintances had little definitive to say about either of you.
However, they all agreed on one thing—your father, and yourself, were a strong pair. Warriors to be respected and feared.
You, in particular. In fact, many came to know you as the Ashen Demon.
They say you would destroy your enemies without a hint of emotion on your face. The mercenaries I spoke to revered you as a living legend of sorts.
Byleth: ………………。 …
ハンネマン: さて……君の素性については、これ以上調べようもないようだ。
Hanneman: So, that is what I learned. And, I admit, it is barely more than I knew before.
The next step in my research is to ask your blood for answers, and hope that it is more forthcoming than your past acquaintances.
B Support
ハンネマン: 調子はどうかね。良ければ、一杯付き合っていただこう。
Hanneman: How are you doing, Professor? Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?
Choice 1: どういう風の吹き回し?OK.
Choice 2: 構わない Sure.
ハンネマン: なに、我輩の話をしようかと思ってね。君といると、君の話ばかりだろう?
Hanneman: It occurs to me that, whenever we chat, I have a tendency to pester you with my questions and theories about your history... It seems only fair to speak on the topic of myself for once. And perhaps you might feel more positive inclined toward my research, if I shared my own story.
Choice 1: 研究に付き合う前提か So, you just want me to help with your research.
ハンネマン: 今更そんなことを?当然ではないか。
Hanneman: Not at all. I am quite honest in my motivations.
Choice 2: 興味はある You have my attention.
ハンネマン: ほう? 予想外の返事だが、興味を持ってくれて嬉しい限りだ。
Hanneman: I am quite pleased to hear you're interested. Yes, quite pleased.
ハンネマン: それでは、少しばかり昔話をさせてもらうとしよう。
Hanneman: Well... I suppose I should begin at the beginning, eh? I was born into a noble house of the Empire. Not a large house, mind you. But noble all the same. Our land holdings were small, but our bloodline was quite strong. So, you can imagine, there were many of us in the family who carried the power of Crests. I, myself, bear a minor Crest. Our family's abundance of Crests may be part of the reason I've been interested in the topic since I was just a boy. I dedicated myself to my studies, and after years of effort, I became lead Crest scholar at the Empire's largest research institution.
Choice 1: なぜガルグ=マクに? Why come to Garreg Mach?
ハンネマン: 帝国での研究に、限界が来ていた。新たな情報が必要だったのだよ。
Hanneman: I had only Imperial blood, and thus Imperial Crests, at my disposal in the Empire.
Choice 2: すごい You gave that up? To come here?
ハンネマン: ふ……帝国での地位になど、何の意味もなかったよ。
Hanneman: My research is more important than social standing in the Empire. There I had only Imperial blood, and thus Imperial Crests, at hand.
ハンネマン: だからこそ我輩はガルグ=マクを訪れ、教師をしながら研究に没頭した。
Hanneman: So I came to Garreg Mach and devoted myself to my research during my time as a professor.
My progress is slow, but with each revelation, I move ever closer to the answers I have sought for decades.
Your cooperation as the bearer of the Crest of Flames ensures my research will continue to advance.
In fact, it may bring me ever closer to the goal of uncovering everything there is to know about Crests.
I do hope you shall continue helping me advance in this field of study.
Choice 1: 構わない OK.
Choice 2: やれやれ If you insist...
ハンネマン: 君の存在は、我輩にとって格別なのだ。頼んだぞ。
Hanneman: Together, we will solve the mystery of your Crest of Flames, and our world will be the better for it.
Shall we proceed? My lab instruments are fully prepared.
I have a great number of tests I am excited to carry out... No, no, don't worry. They won't hurt a bit.
A Support
ハンネマン: ……そういうわけで、君の力には、どうやら現状の理論では説明し切れない部分がある。
Hanneman: Which means that there are some elements of your power that cannot be explained by current theory.
Although this may lead to a discovery that alters the very fabric of Crest research...
Oh, pardon me, Professor. I became lost in thought and I do tend to ramble.
I suggest we call it a day. Do you concur?
Choice 1: まだ大丈夫 I'm fine to keep talking.
ハンネマン: いや、無理は禁物だぞ。戦いの合間にこうして時間を割かせているのだ。
Hanneman: No, no, you mustn't push yourself too hard. When you're not in battle, you are so often here with me. I get so energized speaking with you, well, I must remember to pull my heard out of the clouds…
Choice 2: そろそろ疲れた I'm getting tired.
ハンネマン: また夢中になりすぎたな。君も忙しいのに、申し訳ない。
Hanneman: It seems that I have gotten carried away again. My apologies. I know that you are quite busy.
I become so energized around you. When we get deep into the research, why, I feel 20 years younger!
ハンネマン: ……ふむ、そうだな。たまには別の話でもしようか。
Hanneman: That said, perhaps we should discuss things unrelated to Crests from time to time.
Some sort of silly, light-hearted topic might be nice, eh?
Byleth: 何がある? Do you have one in mind?
ハンネマン: うむ……自分から言い出しておいて何だが、我輩は他愛もない雑談というのが苦手でね。
Hanneman: I'm not especially skilled at small talk, alas. Let me see... Perhaps we should discuss... Hmm... I know! Food! Not my strong suit, the culinary arts, but I do enjoy a good meal! Which kind of food do you prefer, Professor? Sweet or spicy?
Choice 1: 甘いもの Sweet.
ハンネマン: ほう、甘いもの好きか。我輩と同じだな。
Hanneman: Same as myself! Yes, indeed... Oh, now my stomach is growling.
Choice 2: 辛いもの Spicy.
ハンネマン: ほう、辛いもの好きか。我輩とは好みが逆であるな。
Hanneman: Spicy? Quite the opposite of me. Yet you're an exception in lots of ways, so it's not altogether surprising...
ハンネマン: 実は、紋章を宿す者は、辛いものより甘いものを好むという仮説があるのだ。
Hanneman: An old colleague of mine theorized that those who bear Crests favor sweet flavors over spicy.
She suggested that the Crest exerts some manner of influence over...
Oh, there I go again. How embarrassing. We were supposed to be avoiding talk of Crests, weren't we?
Terrible habit of mine, finding a way to turn any conversation towards Crests.
I really should find a way to stop that.
Choice 1: 構わない It's OK.
Choice 2: 紋章の話をしよう We can talk more about Crests.
ハンネマン: いや、そうもいかん。
Hanneman: That is kind of you, Professor, but it's all right.
If you were to lose your patience with me, it could have an incalculable impact on my research.
That sort of thing has happened in the past, you know. Back when I was still in the Empire...
At first, any lady I was spending time with would titter and say she didn't mind if I talked about Crests.
But, at some point, she would always become fed up and stop listening to what I had to say.
In the end — invariably while I was particularly focused on my research — she would write to say we were done.
You may be a man, but I still don't wish for you to grow tired of my company.
S Support
ハンネマン: 戦乱の時代は幕を下ろした。だが、すべてが終わったわけではない。
Hanneman: So falls the curtain on our time of war. Though I suppose one can never say all is over and done...
You have much still to do, and I have miles to go before I achieve my own dreams.
We both have many hardships in store for us, don't you think?
Choice 1: 思う Yes
Choice 2: それほどでも Maybe not that many.
ハンネマン: そう言われると困ってしまうが……まずは我輩の提案を聞いてほしい。
ハンネマン: 前途多難の道のりは、一人で行くより二人で行くほうが良い。
Hanneman: Indeed. Well, that talk aside, I have a bit of a proposition for you. I believe it is better to travel the path through life with someone else, rather than go forward alone. And you are indispensable to my research... No, thats not the full truth. Yes, you are indispensable to my research, but also to my life. Altogether, I mean. I haven't any idea how to treat a woman properly. And so, I've long thought I would spend my life alone. But then, well... I met you. And I want to share everything with you. If you happen to feel the same way, er, well, that is to say... Would you accept this ring?
Choice 1: 待っていた I've been waiting for this.
ハンネマン: 待たれていた!?ふむ……想定外の反応だ。
Hanneman: Did I make you wait? Now, there is an unexpected development! My goodness. Well, since the feelings are mutual... I suppose there's no need to hold ourselves back any longer. Don't you agree? If so, I say we begin the next phase of our research. I wish to learn everything about you.
Byleth: 実は……
ハンネマン: なに?紋章の力を失った?だからどうしたというのだね?
Choice 2: 覚悟はできている I'm ready.
ハンネマン: 覚悟? そのようなもの、不要だ。何も君を実験台にしようというのではない。
Hanneman: Ready? No, no. There's no need to be ready. I'm not planning any tests. I don't want the power of your Crest — I want you. First things first, I'd like to do a thorough study.
ハンネマン: ……そうだな。何だったら、君が我輩を研究してくれても良いのだぞ?
Hanneman: And in return...perhaps you would care to learn all there is to know about me. I've never been the subject of someone else's research before, but I am open to the prospect. I can think of no one more suitable for the task... than the woman I love. The future... Ah, I mean our future. It offers quite a lot to look forward to. I can't wait to see the results of this new undertaking.